Our whole school community has collaborated to form our vision for Curriculum for Wales 2022. Through parent questionnaires, pupil committees, (Dysgu Difyr) governing body meetings and a whole school staff approach, we have listened and responded to everyone’s voice to create our new, exciting vision.
The 4 purposes are integral to our planning process and underpin our new vision. Through cross-curricular themes, authentic experiences and varied teaching styles, pupils are nurtured to embrace 4 purposes for lifelong learning. Teaching and learning encompass all six Areas of Learning and Experience through themes and inquires. The statements of what matters, and the principles of progression underpin all planning.
The cross-cutting themes of:
• (RSE)relationships and sexuality education
• Human Rights
• Diversity
• Careers and work-related experiences
• Local, national, and international contexts
and the cross-curricular frameworks of
• Literacy
• Numeracy
• Digital Competence
are taught through all six Areas of Learning and Experience.
The mandatory RVE (religion values and ethics) will also be taught through the AOLE of Humanities.
We have been working with other Welsh schools in the cluster in Areas of Learning and Experience groups, and teams within our school to identify and ensure a continuum of progression through the national mandatory Principles of Progression. We as a school will ensure that all our pupils are supported through their individual learning journey daily. Assessment will be part of our everyday learning where pupils will discuss with teachers how well they are doing and how they can be supported to plan for the next steps in their learning.
We will review our Curriculum continuously with the input of pupils, staff, governors, parents and the wider community voice. The monitoring, evaluation and review process will also be part of the School Improvement Plan and purposeful professional development will support staff with the process. We will use The Design Thinking Model to support our review process.